Help Center

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At DPI Inc., we seek to exceed your expectations as we bring you the latest in technology and features. We pursue innovation to deliver new and exciting products that you and your loved ones can enjoy for years to come. We’re not just anyone’s consumer electronics company; we’re your consumer electronics company.

  • My Account FAQs

    How can I view my orders?

    If you created an account with our site during your purchase, you may view your order details by logging into your account. Also, for repeat customers, please log into your account before purchasing so your order is recorded on your account. To access your account, please log in using the "My Account" links at the top and/or bottom of the website. You can also access your account here.

    Can I save my cart?

    If you have created an account, you can save items using our wishlist feature. Click here to set up an account

    How do I update my account information?

    You may update your account information at any time by navigating to the "My Account" links at the top and/or bottom of the website. You can also access your account here.

    I lost my password. How do I re-set it?

    Click here to enter your email address and have a temporary password sent to you.

  • Shipping & Delivery

    Do you ship internationally?

    Currently we do not ship to international locations; therefore we will not accept orders for shipments outside of the United States.

    How fast will I receive my order?

    We understand that getting your items quickly is important to you, so we make every effort to process your order quickly. All orders placed are subject to product availability and will be shipped according to DPI Inc.'s shipping policies. Shipping time will vary by product and shipping method chosen during the checkout process. Please allow 3 business days for processing and shipping. Orders placed after 10AM and on Saturday or Sunday will begin processing the next business day.

    What happens if I do not receive my shipment?

    In the rare event that your order never arrives, notification of lost items must be received within 30 days from receipt of the shipping confirmation e-mail so we can process your refund or send a replacement.

  • Returns & Replacements

    Do you ship internationally?

    You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by DPI Inc.(Online Purchases Only) within 30 days of delivery for a full or partial refund as long as the product is returned in original condition with all accessories included. Missing accessories or abused items will be deducted from the credit. Shipping and handling charges will not be refunded. Customer is responsible for return of the unit insured and freight prepaid to DPI Inc., 2116 Carr St., St. Louis, MO 63106. The credit card used for the original purchase will be credited within the next monthly billing cycle. The Limited Warranty included with the product applies from the original date of purchase. Parts and accessories are non-refundable. Items should be returned in their original product packaging.

    • We reserve the right to provide necessary parts, repair, exchange, replace, or upgrade a product, at our option, as opposed to providing a monetary refund. If we, at our option, replace a product, the new product may not be of equal value.
    • Items that are shipped via common carrier will be handled on a request basis, however any oversized item that does not ship via UPS will incurred a return shipping fee that will be billed prior to the return of the item. This will not be the case if the item is received in a damaged state and noted on the shipper's bill. So make sure that you note all damages when you receive the item so that we are able to help you with your claim and return of the item to the vendor.
    • All parts are non-refundable.

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